Friday, 30 June 2017

The final #blogjune, forever.

..and so this ends #blogjune for me. It's been 6 years, but the season has now passed.

This year, I didn't even "blog"june except the the first 2 posts, and now this final one. I did however write a haiku (no, no, not a poet, not even close) and doodle an accompanying doodle (no, no, not an artist, just a doodle - alright, a doodler). I managed this every day of June, and posted them to Instagram @stickstitchcut *almost* everyday - sometimes there was a bit of a next morning catchup for the posting.

So, to keep the set together with the previous years, here is my Blogjune 2017. I'm still working on #the100dayproject on Insta - 12 days to go on that one. I daresay I will come back again for that next year instead.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Since 2012 I have been joining in on the "into it"-librarian fun of #blogjune. I was pretty much *not* into the excitable librarian thing by that stage (after the acquisition of 2 editions of junior non-fiction), and was not long for that world ....but I couldn't resist joining in on the challenge anyway. I had to draw the line somewhere, however - I would not be contributing to the thoughtful professional discourse my "into it" colleagues were engaging in throughout June via their "into it" librarian blogs ....I would be posting daily, very shit, unclassy haikus. 

I kept coming back year after year with another volume of 17 syllable masterpieces until 2016 where I made the radical leap from shit haiku poet, to very dodgy doodle artist. 2016 was the year my #blogjune posts were posted to Instagram as well as 

This year, torn between choosing haikus or doodles ...I will attempt both. We'll see how that goes. 

#blogjune #doodlejune #lisadoodlesjune #haikujune

This post was originally published at